2022 Airbus H125 (Sold)
Airbus H125 for sale immediately. Very well equipped and completion done by Pacific Crown Helicopters.
- Garmin G500H TXi EFIS
- Garmin GTN 650H COM/NAV/GPS
- Garmin GTX 335R Transponder
- Garmin GMA 350Hc ICS (Bluetooth)
- Garmin GFC 600H Autopilot (2-axis)
- Garmin GTS 800 Traffic System
- Hourmeter
- Aeroled lighting kit
- Aux tank power
- Simoco role radio
- UHF role radio
- Remote hook
- Siren
- Additional USB for pilot
- Crash resistant fuel system
- Engine flushing device
- Dual controls
- Heavy duty blade-pins
- Comfort window on LH front door
- Comfort window on right rear door
- Comfort window on left rear door
- Quick release magnetic plug on the MGB
- Extended heat shield
- Lean instrument panel (LIP)
- Starter generator Skurka 200A
- RH cargo mirror
- Dual sliding doors
- Electric swivel and remote hook
- PCH aux fuel container
- Rear Footsteps onto cross tubes
- LH and RH short steps
- Tail boom baggage extender
- FDC engine filter
- Vertical reference window
- Wire Strike
- Airconditioning
- Cargo swing
- Coin flooring
- PCH floor edging
- RAM ball mount
- Drink holder with USB
Contact Mark at +61 426 624 861 for further details and pricing.